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Orleans Lions Club

Multiple District A;    District A4;
Region 13;    Zone 13 South 
Welcome 17:30   Dinner 18:00  Meeting 19:00

Meetings first and third Monday of every month
at Roy Hobbs Community Center,
109 Larch Crescent, Orleans


Lions Arch

Lions Membership Benefits

1)  Make a difference. Lions clubs around the world are filled with people like you who have chosen to take action and serve others.

2) Serve with pride. As a Lion, you will give your time, share your talents, help your community and know that you have changed lives.

3) Build your network. Develop relationships with local & international leaders.

4) Gain credibility. As a part of Lions Clubs International, you be part of a global organization known for serving for over 100 years.

5)  Develop new friendships. Gain a sense of belonging within your club, and to more than 1.4 million Lions around the world.

6)  Become a leader. Hone your leadership skills within your club, and take advantage of leadership opportunities at the club, district, and even international level.

7) Receive global support. Every Lion and every club is supported by a global network of volunteers and staff addressing the needs of their communities both locally and globally.

OUR MISSION To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

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Lions Club

Lions Club International Information

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